Judicial Separation in layman's terms refers to a decree awarded by the Court that allows a married couple to live separately from each other for a period of time, to introspect on their relationship, and give their marriage a second chance before opting for divorce. During this period while the couple is living separately, they still hold the title of a husband and wife.
I personally think that it is a recourse that every couple should consider before jumping on the divorce boat. During this phase, couples come to understand one of the two things, the former being that the problems that seemed to be so grave and unbearable at the time of living together or cohabiting with your spouse are in reality extremely trivial when truly considered; and the latter being that the marriage that seemed to be workable is in reality done for good and has no other alternative left than splitsville. In either of the scenarios, Judicial Separation can determine the true fate of your relationship.
It is often said that distance makes a heart grow fonder, that could be what Judicial Separation could also lead to. Judicial separation is a period that comes before the divorce. It is the last measure to salvage the marital tie before the actual breakdown.
We at AnaghaLegal ensure that before Divorce puts the final nail in the coffin of marriage we suggest judicial separation which offers a scope of settlement between the parties however the decree of judicial separation will also have orders on properties, child support, maintenance just as the divorce decree has.
It is to be understood that Judicial separation doesn't take away the status of legally wedded husband and wife. Judicial Separation is a medium underneath the law to provide time for self-analysis to each of the parties of a disturbed married life.